Some people are in the business of selling retail products like garments or apparels, jewelry, shore, handbags and many other retail items. These items that they sell online or in the store (having an online store front) require their images to be posted online. One most common photoshop method that is used to make these pictures suitable for publishing online is clipping path.
People who just started the business and finding the need of hiring one or more clipping path service provider might find them in a dilemma. They might not know right of the bat where to find these qualified professionals at a reasonable rate.
Hiring clipping path specialists locally can cost you a bundle. A good graphic designer or a person who is skilled in photoshop can cost the employer a lot in a developed country. Other than the salary, there comes the benefit, vacation pay, sick pay, office space for the employee, parking facility, etc. all together can spike up the total salary to an unaffordable position for some employers.
Good thing is that now you can hire clipping path service providers offshore at a fraction of a cost who will be able t o offer some quality clipping path service for your products. Just do a Google search for clipping path outsourcing and you will find a lot of companies doing the same.
Before hiring someone, you should always keep in mind that cheapest is not always the best as you get what you pay for. Talk to 2-3 clipping path outsourcing company and see whom you feel comfortable with talking. See some work samples and if possible, let them work on 1 or 2 of your sample images which will test their ability.
Once you are comfortable hire the person or company whom you are comfortable communicating with and have a decent pricing.
People who just started the business and finding the need of hiring one or more clipping path service provider might find them in a dilemma. They might not know right of the bat where to find these qualified professionals at a reasonable rate.
Hiring clipping path specialists locally can cost you a bundle. A good graphic designer or a person who is skilled in photoshop can cost the employer a lot in a developed country. Other than the salary, there comes the benefit, vacation pay, sick pay, office space for the employee, parking facility, etc. all together can spike up the total salary to an unaffordable position for some employers.
Good thing is that now you can hire clipping path service providers offshore at a fraction of a cost who will be able t o offer some quality clipping path service for your products. Just do a Google search for clipping path outsourcing and you will find a lot of companies doing the same.
Before hiring someone, you should always keep in mind that cheapest is not always the best as you get what you pay for. Talk to 2-3 clipping path outsourcing company and see whom you feel comfortable with talking. See some work samples and if possible, let them work on 1 or 2 of your sample images which will test their ability.
Once you are comfortable hire the person or company whom you are comfortable communicating with and have a decent pricing.